Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Minecraft Adventures: Zombiezilla (Short Story)

Zombiezilla and Steve, the Adventure.

Zombiezilla stalks up the hill

Lights out.  

There it was.  The sound of dread and death.  The abysmal vibration of deep drumming that fills children and adults alike with terror.   Each step resonating deep within the ground.  Closer.  And Closer. 

Skloosh boom, Skloosh boom the sound of liquefied flesh and a very large impact in the grassy hills pounded over and over.

The foundation of the house tapped as the cobblestone shifted in place and even the brick blocks began to crumble.  As the sun slowly set, you could hear the terrifying screams of the villagers as they fled swiftly over the hill. 

 “This can’t be good.”

Sean said we should get a closer look but everything inside of me said to run.  As I turned to leave, I saw Sean approaching the hilltop to see what was causing all the ruckus. 

“What are you doing Sean???” 

Now don’t get me wrong, Sean is my best friend, but sometimes he can be a little daft sometimes.  I knew it was going to be a long night when my buddy Sean who just stood there staring with his mouth gaping open.

As I came up behind Sean, I heard a distinct and familiar sound from over the hill. 

“uuunnnnnhhhhgg…. uuunnnnnhhhhgg” 

Now that sound - I knew well. There is nothing quite like the depressing growl of a newly turned zombie. 
As I crested the hill, Nothing could have prepared me for this moment of truth.  Face to face with a terrifying enemy.  At first sight, it was like seeing a ghost – a very large and terrifying ghost with glowing red eyes and a radioactive ghostly green hue that seemed to rise out of its skin.  But this was no ghost.   

Sean and I ran down the hill in the opposite direction of the villagers being careful to avoid the Zombie’s line of sight.   The village looked completely deserted.

“What was that thing?”  

I asked Sean while trying to catch my breath. Sean said it was a Zombie as big as Godzilla. 

All of a sudden, a quiet cry emanated from behind a door. I knocked on the door and the crying stopped. 


I called out and heard a mousy hello in return.  I opened the door to find a young witch villager crying in the corner of a room.  

She told Sean and I how Zombiezilla was all her fault.  Apparently her baby brother Jimmy had contracted the zombie infection and she was trying to cure him. Instead of curing him, her potion had grown him to 10 times the normal size.  

“I got the potion right this time, but he’s gone now” she said and held up a small glowing vial of pink liquid. 

Skloosh boom, Skloosh boom

“uuunnnnnhhhhgg…. Oooooohhhhh” 

I heard the sound of Zombiezilla aka Jimmy piping back up the hill. 

“Maybe not” Sean said. 

It was a long shot, and to be completely honest, I didn’t believe that we could do it.  In order to get this vial of liquid inside him, we would have to get at least ten feet off the ground to even come close to his mouth. 

We went outside and looked around in the village for someplace that would give us the elevation we needed.  

“The church”

The little witch pointed to the steeple of the village church.  

Skloosh boom, Skloosh boom

The sounds were getting closer and time was running out.  As we climbed to the top of the brick building Zombiezilla came over the hill.   Now to get his attention.  In the steeple of the church was an old bell.  We pushed that old bell hard until it swung.

“Bonnnnng…. Bonnnnng…”
It worked!  Zombiezilla started heading straight for us.   Sean crawled to the edge of the roof and waited for the right moment.   When the Zombie approached, he threw the glass vial toward him.
Against impossible odds, the vial landed just inside his open mouth!    We hid behind the steeple in case it didn’t work.   A minute later, Jimmy started to shrink.

“Its working” The little witch squealed.

By the time we climbed down from the church, Jimmy was back to normal and the villagers had started to return.   The little witch collected him and ran home to her family.  

You know, I didn’t think we could do it. But I guess I was wrong.

Keyword:  Zombiezilla
Tone:  Humorous, Fun
Descriptive: Diary, Short Story
Size: 700+ 

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