Wednesday, March 23, 2016

iPhone Separation Anxiety: Drama-Free repair for your LCD screen.

iPhone Copyright Apple, Inc.
The new and innovative iPhone with its high-tech features and wildly popular applications is a wonderful tool for communication, organization and business.   But before you conduct business-on-the-go, you need to make sure your iPhone is protected.   Unless you have an iPhone LCD repair machine lying around it is imperative to protect your screen from unnecessary cracks and scratches that will lessen the sensitivity of the touch screen, or at worst prevent the display from showing at all.    The best method of protecting your phone is to purchase a high quality case that has a reputation for preventing or lessening breakage.

In the event that you do have an accident, however, changing the gorilla glass and LCD display in your iPhone is a complicated process.   Manually replacing the LCD requires special tools, a steady hand and about 20 steps of disassembling and reassembling your phone.  You may jeopardize the functionality of your iPhone by removing tiny and sensitive parts that are necessary to its funcition.  To change the screen on your iPhone involves removing many of the panels and components of the phone including the glass front, and praying that when reassembled it will work once again.    This is a venture that should only be undertaken by one who is fully confident in his ability to succeed.   The risk that you take may not outweigh the reward.

Image result for iphone lcd repair machineNow, you could take it to a repair shop where they use an iPhone LCD repair machine, but that could end up costing you more than the value of the phone itself.   Repair shops are generally overpriced; however, they are a safe choice for the long-term durability of your iPhone.   You can rest assured that the iPhone is in good hands, and if it happens to break, then you are generally guaranteed a value replacement of the Phone.

If you are accident prone with your phone, or you need to repair multiple units, it might be worth your time and investment to purchase an iPhone LCD repair machine to help you with the precision and time element.   This machine will help you to separate and replace the screen on your iPhone without the headache of hours of disassembly.  An efficient model for fixing your iPhone, the iPhone LCD repair machine is not only a time saver, but also reduces the amount of risk that you take when attempting to repair your screen.     Spending hours trying to deconstruct and repair, along with the extraordinary probability of breakage, incorrect reassembly, or electrical disruption of your iPhone is simply unnecessary.

Keyword:  iPhone LCD repair machine
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Blog Product Introduction
Size: 400+

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