Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Getting the most out of your auto accident.

Fender Bender
Navigating the complicated world of Auto Insurance can be at best confusing and frustrating.   After just having an accident, getting your ducks in a row to deal with the aftermath of such a frightening event can be quite difficult.   In order to explain the process of filing an insurance claim and the lifecycle of completion, it is necessary to identify.

The other party

Make sure you exchange information with the other party at the scene of an accident.  You need to obtain the name of the other driver, their driver’s license number along with the name of their insurance company and policy number.   If possible, you should also obtain the driver’s telephone number in order to make it easier on your insurance company investigator. 

Image result for ambulanceIf you are Injured.

Injuries are often undetectable right after an accident due to shock and adrenaline.   If an ambulance is called, it is a good idea to allow the medical professionals to evaluate your injuries on the scene.  If you feel that you might be hurt or injured, you can elect to take the transportation provided, you can go to the hospital or nearest emergency center as soon as you can.    

If the police are involved.

Dealing with police officers on the scene can be tricky.   The main purpose of their involvement is to assess the situation and collect information from witnesses and the parties involved in the accident.   They can be extremely helpful in organizing information for you and helping to assess whether or not you need emergency medical attention. 

The down side to having officers present is that they often have not witnessed the accident and will make a quick judgment call of fault based upon witnesses or perceived circumstances.    This does not mean that you are necessarily guilty, and you should be cautious what you say.  Most insurance companies will advise you not to admit fault to anyone – including the police, even if you believe the accident may have been your fault. State the facts of the case and leave it at that.    If you receive a ticket or citation at the scene of the accident, keep a copy of it for your record.   Be sure to collect the information of all officers and witnesses present.

Filing the Claim

Once you have obtained the information, you should contact your insurance company immediately.  Most insurance companies have a 24 hour accident hotline or the ability to file a claim online.   The insurance company will ask you for all the information about the other party, take a brief statement of how the accident happened, and inquire whether or not you were wearing your seatbelt.    They may ask a lot of initial questions and you should do your best to answer openly and honestly.  Remember your insurance company is on your side, and they want to make sure you are taken care of. 

After the claim is filed, you will receive a call from your insurance company asking you to prepare a recorded statement for their records.   This is your opportunity to recall the events and share with them any detail that you may have missed or neglected to include.   They will likely have already contacted the other party and should have more information on whether or not they believe the accident to be your fault.   You may also receive a call from the other party’s insurance adjuster.  It is important to be truthful and clear in what you say so that an evaluation can be fairly made.  The process can take several weeks, so if you need immediate transportation, be sure to ask the other party’s insurance company if they can provide a rental vehicle for you during the transition.

The Assessment

If the accident is deemed your fault, you will likely not have to deal with the insurance company any more.   Unless the cost of the accident exceeds your liability or medical coverage, that should be the end of your required involvement.  

If the accident is not assessed to be your fault, then you will be assigned an adjuster who will come and evaluate the state of your vehicle and determine whether or not it can be fixed.  A vehicle that cannot be fixed will be totaled out and a check will be issued to you based on the fair market value of your vehicle.  

Keyword:  None
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Blog, Instructional
Size: 700+

iPhone Separation Anxiety: Drama-Free repair for your LCD screen.

iPhone Copyright Apple, Inc.
The new and innovative iPhone with its high-tech features and wildly popular applications is a wonderful tool for communication, organization and business.   But before you conduct business-on-the-go, you need to make sure your iPhone is protected.   Unless you have an iPhone LCD repair machine lying around it is imperative to protect your screen from unnecessary cracks and scratches that will lessen the sensitivity of the touch screen, or at worst prevent the display from showing at all.    The best method of protecting your phone is to purchase a high quality case that has a reputation for preventing or lessening breakage.

In the event that you do have an accident, however, changing the gorilla glass and LCD display in your iPhone is a complicated process.   Manually replacing the LCD requires special tools, a steady hand and about 20 steps of disassembling and reassembling your phone.  You may jeopardize the functionality of your iPhone by removing tiny and sensitive parts that are necessary to its funcition.  To change the screen on your iPhone involves removing many of the panels and components of the phone including the glass front, and praying that when reassembled it will work once again.    This is a venture that should only be undertaken by one who is fully confident in his ability to succeed.   The risk that you take may not outweigh the reward.

Image result for iphone lcd repair machineNow, you could take it to a repair shop where they use an iPhone LCD repair machine, but that could end up costing you more than the value of the phone itself.   Repair shops are generally overpriced; however, they are a safe choice for the long-term durability of your iPhone.   You can rest assured that the iPhone is in good hands, and if it happens to break, then you are generally guaranteed a value replacement of the Phone.

If you are accident prone with your phone, or you need to repair multiple units, it might be worth your time and investment to purchase an iPhone LCD repair machine to help you with the precision and time element.   This machine will help you to separate and replace the screen on your iPhone without the headache of hours of disassembly.  An efficient model for fixing your iPhone, the iPhone LCD repair machine is not only a time saver, but also reduces the amount of risk that you take when attempting to repair your screen.     Spending hours trying to deconstruct and repair, along with the extraordinary probability of breakage, incorrect reassembly, or electrical disruption of your iPhone is simply unnecessary.

Keyword:  iPhone LCD repair machine
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Blog Product Introduction
Size: 400+

Boosted Dual+ 2000W Electric Skateboard (Product Review for Amazon)

Unbelievable Freedom 

The Boosted Dual+ 2000W Electric Skateboard is quite possibly one of the most incredible inventions on the planet.   It combines the traditional practice of skateboarding with the technology of guided motion and motorized propulsion.   Riding this board truly is an utterly unique experience.    This skateboard is the real deal.  The quality of the board is unquestionable and definitely not some cheap knockoff or replica.   Here are a couple of things I learned about this board after trying it out for a week. 

Need for Speed

When I say fast, I mean fast.   This skateboard accelerates like nobody’s business.   The electric skateboard starts out at a base speed of about 10 miles per hour.  This was a perfectly delightful speed for a casual cruise.   When fully engaged, I was able to get the Boosted Dual+ 2000W Electric Skateboard up to about 22 miles per hour.  Let me tell you this seems like a great deal faster when you are riding hands-free with the wind whipping against your body.  Considering the average speed in a neighborhood is around 25 miles per hour, you could be sailing through town with traffic, and keep up quite nicely.   

The Engine

Constructed with two 1000 watt motors, the Electric Skateboard is designed with adjustable power and torque.   It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a pro, you can adjust it to match your ability level.  Unlike most electric skateboards, the engine engages BOTH back wheels to provide an evenly distributed forward motion when starting the board from a stand-still.  The most amazing thing about the engine is that it actually allows for uphill climbing.   I was able to ride this board up a moderate hill with no noticeable changes in speed or engine torque. 

Skateboard goes up to 22 mph!!!

Bring my Board to Life!

Similar to the design of a hybrid car, braking energy is looped back into battery charging to help prolong the up time of the battery.  The lithium battery holds approximately 7 miles worth of charge depending on what speed you are going.  If you are going the initial speed of 8-10 miles per you will get a longer life from the battery charge than if you were to push the full range of speed.  At 22 miles per hour I was able to push about four and a half miles with a battery charge.  This is just under 20 minutes of ride time.  If you are planning to use this board for more than recreation such as a ride this to work or school, make sure that your commute is within 4 miles to ensure that you don’t run out of battery.   If you do happen run out of juice don’t worry, the battery will fully charge in only 60 minutes.  This is a perfect option if you work, or attend school close to your home.

The Deck is AMAZING.

While most traditional skateboard decks are made of maple wood, and occasionally composites like nylon, fiberglass, or other artificial materials, the Boosted Dual+ 2000W Electric Skateboard is made from Bamboo.  Bamboo is an extremely light weight and incredibly strong material that rivals steel in tensile strength.  It is also more flexible and durable than other hardwoods and is a much better choice than maple wood or other synthetic materials.   When I stood on the deck of this skateboard, it was comfortable and flexible - like walking on the low-impact flooring of a basketball court.
Tensile strength refers to the amount of tension that a material can take before breaking.   Since Bamboo has a greater tensile strength than that of steel, this product can take a great amount of pressure.  So when you are grabbing your board and dropping the bomb, or catching some air in a sick Ollie, you know that the pressure and weight of your body as your board collides with the asphalt will neither break nor warp the deck.  

Caution and Care

Skateboarding is a free-range high-impact sport and taking precautions to avoid injury is par for the course.   The impact between your body and pavement can cause sore muscles, discomfort or tearing of your tissues, and the wearing down of joints due to constant brute force collision between your board and the concrete.  The deck of the Boosted Dual+ 2000W Electric Skateboard offers the same elasticity as an indoor sports arena that will reduce the impact on your body when the board meets the pavement.  If you are going to do tricks on this board, be sure to review the recommendations by the manufacturer so that you don’t void your warranty. 

Keyword:  Boosted Dual+ 2000W Electric Skateboard
Tone:  Positive/Friendly
Descriptive: Amazon Review
Size: 700+ 

Creative Invitation (Email Blast Copy)

Get Creating!

Attention all creators, innovators, and critical thinkers - the new blog is alive and awaiting your contribution!   Do you have an idea for something that will change the world?  Or maybe you have thought of a creative new way of bringing attention to a need?   Can you give us some new viewpoints that we haven’t yet considered?  If so, then we would like to extend you an invitation to become a contributor to our idea bank!

We are hungry for ideas and content so please send us your best concepts, notions and viewpoints so that we can enhance and create new and exciting content for our readers.     We know that you are smart, inventive, and resourceful individuals who are just brimming with imagination.   Come and inspire us with your vision, your ingenuity and your concepts for innovation.   We are excited to begin working with you and look forward to bringing your ideas to life. 

Email Blog.3DS.india.

Keyword:  None
Tone:  Friendly
Descriptive: Email Blast Copy
Size: 150+ 

Minecraft Adventures: Zombiezilla (Short Story)

Zombiezilla and Steve, the Adventure.

Zombiezilla stalks up the hill

Lights out.  

There it was.  The sound of dread and death.  The abysmal vibration of deep drumming that fills children and adults alike with terror.   Each step resonating deep within the ground.  Closer.  And Closer. 

Skloosh boom, Skloosh boom the sound of liquefied flesh and a very large impact in the grassy hills pounded over and over.

The foundation of the house tapped as the cobblestone shifted in place and even the brick blocks began to crumble.  As the sun slowly set, you could hear the terrifying screams of the villagers as they fled swiftly over the hill. 

 “This can’t be good.”

Sean said we should get a closer look but everything inside of me said to run.  As I turned to leave, I saw Sean approaching the hilltop to see what was causing all the ruckus. 

“What are you doing Sean???” 

Now don’t get me wrong, Sean is my best friend, but sometimes he can be a little daft sometimes.  I knew it was going to be a long night when my buddy Sean who just stood there staring with his mouth gaping open.

As I came up behind Sean, I heard a distinct and familiar sound from over the hill. 

“uuunnnnnhhhhgg…. uuunnnnnhhhhgg” 

Now that sound - I knew well. There is nothing quite like the depressing growl of a newly turned zombie. 
As I crested the hill, Nothing could have prepared me for this moment of truth.  Face to face with a terrifying enemy.  At first sight, it was like seeing a ghost – a very large and terrifying ghost with glowing red eyes and a radioactive ghostly green hue that seemed to rise out of its skin.  But this was no ghost.   

Sean and I ran down the hill in the opposite direction of the villagers being careful to avoid the Zombie’s line of sight.   The village looked completely deserted.

“What was that thing?”  

I asked Sean while trying to catch my breath. Sean said it was a Zombie as big as Godzilla. 

All of a sudden, a quiet cry emanated from behind a door. I knocked on the door and the crying stopped. 


I called out and heard a mousy hello in return.  I opened the door to find a young witch villager crying in the corner of a room.  

She told Sean and I how Zombiezilla was all her fault.  Apparently her baby brother Jimmy had contracted the zombie infection and she was trying to cure him. Instead of curing him, her potion had grown him to 10 times the normal size.  

“I got the potion right this time, but he’s gone now” she said and held up a small glowing vial of pink liquid. 

Skloosh boom, Skloosh boom

“uuunnnnnhhhhgg…. Oooooohhhhh” 

I heard the sound of Zombiezilla aka Jimmy piping back up the hill. 

“Maybe not” Sean said. 

It was a long shot, and to be completely honest, I didn’t believe that we could do it.  In order to get this vial of liquid inside him, we would have to get at least ten feet off the ground to even come close to his mouth. 

We went outside and looked around in the village for someplace that would give us the elevation we needed.  

“The church”

The little witch pointed to the steeple of the village church.  

Skloosh boom, Skloosh boom

The sounds were getting closer and time was running out.  As we climbed to the top of the brick building Zombiezilla came over the hill.   Now to get his attention.  In the steeple of the church was an old bell.  We pushed that old bell hard until it swung.

“Bonnnnng…. Bonnnnng…”
It worked!  Zombiezilla started heading straight for us.   Sean crawled to the edge of the roof and waited for the right moment.   When the Zombie approached, he threw the glass vial toward him.
Against impossible odds, the vial landed just inside his open mouth!    We hid behind the steeple in case it didn’t work.   A minute later, Jimmy started to shrink.

“Its working” The little witch squealed.

By the time we climbed down from the church, Jimmy was back to normal and the villagers had started to return.   The little witch collected him and ran home to her family.  

You know, I didn’t think we could do it. But I guess I was wrong.

Keyword:  Zombiezilla
Tone:  Humorous, Fun
Descriptive: Diary, Short Story
Size: 700+ 

Ontario Environmental Laws for Automotive Shops (Article)

Copyright Kay's Auto Shop
Compliance with Ontario’s environmental law is an essential part of creating a safe and healthy environment within your automotive business.   Because of the nature of this industry, many hazardous chemicals and machinery may be present within the work area.    According to the Ontario energy board, there are several key areas which must be addressed in order to ensure compliance with Ontario Environmental Protection Act.   It is imperative to understand the cradle-to-grave control system which reduces hazardous risk and exposure to chemicals by reducing off-gassing and preventing bad chemical reactions.  Automotive shops must comply in the collection, storage, transportation, handling, recovery, and disposal of chemical compounds within their facility.

Air Quality

If you examine the inventory of a truck shop, you will find that employees are regularly exposed to chemicals that contain controlled substances, gasses, flammable liquids, and volatile organic compounds.  Consistent exposure to chemical compounds significantly reduces the air quality and increases the risk of deadly inhalation and physical contact with the substance.   Adequate ventilation is essential to maintaining an acceptable air quality for employees and customers. 

Collection and Storage

Proper storage and management of chemicals and waste is one of the most important elements in compliance with environmental law.   While licensed transporter is required to deliver hazardous materials and fluids, each truck shop should conduct a self-audit to ensure that hazardous liquids are stored in approved containers with secondary containment field, lids are sealed, and all containers are properly labeled.   Although not required, flammables and other volatile compounds should be stored in an air-tight metal or outside vented cabinet and are grounded or bonded so as not to be exposed to static electricity when being moved or transferred. 

Transportation, Handling, Recovery and Disposal

A truck shop will often produce an excessive amount waste.   One of the most vital elements of compliance with environmental law is the proper disposal and handling of hazardous waste.   Because waste oils, antifreeze and other such chemicals are dangerous to your health and to the environment, it is recommended to use a licensed transporter or oil management program for disposal.     Spills and leaks must be cleaned up on a daily basis, and responded to immediately.  If a spill occurs on an impermeable surface, an absorbent should be used to minimize the impact of the spill on the environment.    Shipments of waste oil, antifreeze and refrigerants must be documented and retained for at least two years.   Other fluids, batteries, and tires should be recovered and recycled but do not require documentation. 

Keyword:  Truck Shop, Automotive shops
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Journalistic, Informational
Size: 400+ 


2017 Honda Crosstour: A Look Inside (Article)

2017 Honda Crosstour
Previously known as the Accord Crosstour, the 2017 Honda Crosstour is expected to be quite the sensation.   One of the most anticipated vehicles of the year, the Crosstour was designed originally as a blend of two models – the Honda Accord, and CR-V.     In 2015, the highly successful Japanese Company, Honda, halted production on the Accord Crosstour due to a lack of customer interest and some concerns with the way that the model was performing.  Rather than throwing the entire design away, Honda listened to the needs of its consumers, and went back to the drawing board.  In order to create a more successful model, that would meet long-term customer needs, they made some significant adjustments to the design, the engine, and the interior of the 2017 Crosstour. 

The Design Just Got Better!

A more rugged look and feel to the exterior is one of the most pointed examples of change.   The Crosstour is one of the smaller SUV Crossovers available on the market making it more aerodynamic and fuel efficient.   The structure, size, and weight alterations have also contributed significantly to a reduction in fuel usage and the increase of overall speed.   Adjustments in the base material usage have caused the vehicle to become lighter in structure while retaining the same level of strength and contribute to greater stability at higher speeds.  

Although the Crosstour is a lighter weight model, it is still equipped with the Honda patented ACE™ Body Structure, that provides protection from collisions and distributes the crash impact more evenly.  Safety features like airbags, traction control, and a Collision Mitigation Braking System™ make the 2017 Honda Crosstour an ideal model in which you can travel during rain or shine.   With a six speed automatic transmission, you can definitely brave the mountainous hills or drive safely through the snow in this SUV crossover.     

This vehicle will have two engine types.   The smaller and base-type of the two engines will be a 4 Cylinder 2.4 Liter Engine with torque of 219 Nm and power output of 143 Kilowatts.    The second and larger option features a 3.5 Liter inline six cylinder engine which is less fuel efficient but has a power output up to 200 kilowatts.  Both engines will be offered with your choice of four wheel drive or all wheel drive.   Mechanically, the 2017 Honda Crosstour competes well against the Subaru Outback, and Toyota Venza.   

What’s on the Inside?

2017 Honda Crosstour interiorPremium upscale interior adds the finishing touches to this advanced contemporary model.   Generous leather seating, with individual adjustment and climate control allow for a most comfortable and relaxing ride.   The high-tech features of this vehicle include the ability to connect your laptop, tablet or smart phone through Wi-Fi, Wireless Bluetooth, or a hardwired USB port.  A more modernized interior with vital traveling features such as improved navigation and audio creates the perfect solution for your luxury travel experience.

When Can I get it?

Although there is no official release date, the SUV crossover is expected to be released sometime in 2017 in both the 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder version.    With a base price of only $28,000 and a full range of features, you can definitely enjoy the benefits of a full SUV with the price of a sedan.   

Keyword:  2017 Honda Crosstour
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Journalistic, Product Introduction
Size: 500+ 

The Glory of the Open Road (Blog Article)

Enjoying the open road on your cruiser or sport bike is a much-loved pastime of adventurers and thrill seekers alike.   People ride different types of motorcycles for many different reasons; however, the benefit of riding remains constant. To ride is to know freedom, build community, and embrace the journey.


The sensation of flying free fulfills the wanderlust of a great adventurer.    With an aerodynamic design and the freedom of the open road, riding a motorcycle can be compared to the thrill and speed of a rollercoaster with no limits or boundaries.    


It’s about more just than the ride.   Motorcycle lovers unite in community with one another in camaraderie.  A unique brotherhood, the social circle of riders is unlike any other.   The friendship, the common goal, and the lifestyle are all elements of a strong and powerful community.   


To ride a motorcycle is to embrace the adventure and individualism of exploring a whole new world.  While you may ride with others, your journey is your own as is the sense of peace and inner joy that you feel when the road is beneath you. 

Pabrik Custom Helm
Being safe on a motorcycle is a matter of knowing your limits, following the rules of common sense, and most importantly protecting yourself from harm should the unthinkable happen.   Wearing protective padding and a sturdy helmet is a vital part of ensuring your well being.   If full body motorcycle gear isn’t for you, at least you can safeguard the most vital part of your body with the Pabrik Helm.   This helmet is a custom designed head protector that ensures any accident or mishap will be met with the protective force of strength and quality.  Whether you are a sports bike enthusiast, or a die-hard Harley Cruiser devotee, this helmet is an excellent option to ensure the safety and defense of your head.

Keyword:  Pabrik Helm
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Blog, Product Introduction
Size: 500+ 

Finding a Great Water Damage Contractor (Blog Article)

Water Damage Simulation
Of all the mishaps, catastrophes, and disasters that can occur within your home, water damage is one of the worst.   A difficult problem to solve, water damage often incurs ongoing mitigation and long term repair.   So how do you find a water damage contractor that understands the vital importance of his or her work, and appreciates what it means to restore the beauty and worth of your property?

Certified Professional

The essential first step to alleviating the pain of a water damaged home begins with choosing an IIRC Certified Professional Water Damage Restoration Contractor.    You could hire a general contractor, or attempt to do the work yourself, but a certified professional that specializes in water damage is paramount to restoring your home to pre-loss condition.   After all, your home is an asset of extraordinary value.  So why risk it?


It isn’t enough to simply pick up the telephone book and select the first name on the list.   Sorting through dozens of local contractor listings that service your area can be daunting.  It will likely not provide you with the information that you need to make a reasonable decision.  
A reputable contractor should have excellent references.   What do other people think?   With the advances in technology, social communication, and public rating systems, it is now possible to check the quality of service from an unbiased source.


In addition to a good reputation and being a certified IIRC professional, a water damage contractor should have the proper qualifications.  Unless you have had a good deal of training in construction or home improvement, you may not know what to expect when interviewing a potential contractor.    Asking the proper questions can make the difference between selecting a contractor who does a decent job, and one whose work is extraordinary.  The following five questions will give you a good idea of the level of skill your contractor possesses.

      How do you mitigate risk?   Every project that requires demolition or removal of materials comes with a certain level of risk.  A seasoned water damage contractor should be able to identify the risks, and provide you with a plan of action as to how it will best be avoided. 

      What types of safety precautions do you take?   It would be a tragedy for a contractor to have an accident within your home.  Discuss the safety of equipment and hazards of the job.  You also need to know that your contractor is carrying the proper accident insurance.  

      What types of water damage have you encountered?   Part of the education of a water damage contractor includes the identification of the category, or source of water damage, and the class or level of destruction.   When asking them to estimate, be sure to find out if your contractor has successfully dealt with your particular type of water damage.  Water damage is not always clear upon initial assessment.   Because it can be a larger job than anticipated, it is necessary to account for additional time and costs.  IIRC Certified Restoration Contractors have the proper education to identify and eliminate all damage types.  Make sure to review how they monitor progress and ensure that your property is restored to its pre-loss condition.

What’s the bottom line? Even if you are using insurance to cover the loss, you will likely want to ensure that your money – or your deductible is being well-spent.  Every contractor should know how to properly scope a project plan in terms of price and timeline.   Many contractors create a pricing schedule based upon time plus materials.    This takes into account the length of time the project will take, and the cost of any replacement materials, or rental equipment incurred by the contractor. 

Keyword:  Water Damage Restoration Contractor
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Journalistic, Repair
Size: 600+ 

The Tree Man: A Medical Examination (Medical Journal Article)

Our hands are capable of loving and comforting, of precision and gentility, of creating beauty and art; but what of those who have little to no ability to use their hands?  One of the most stunning and mysterious cases of hand inoperability is found in those with Epidermodusplasia Verucciforum, or “Tree Man Disease”   Many diseases that affect the hands are not particularly debilitating; however the strange nature of this condition makes it almost impossible for the individual to live a normal and healthy life.      This incapacitating disease, however impossible it seems, is extraordinary and true.  

Exploring the Science: Cause and Effect

Epidermodusplasia Verruciformis is a genetic disorder of the skin that causes wart-like lesions that most often resemble the bark and roots of a tree.   These scaly macules begin growing on hands or feet as a result of a mutation in Chromosome 17 and an onset of the HPV type 5 and 8 virus.   Uncontrolled growth can result in a full blown onset of macules that harden the skin and create a bark-like effect of enlargement and overgrowth.


While there is no cure for the underlying cause, a very complex order of treatment that uses a multi-faceted approach has shown success in keeping the symptoms of the disease at bay.  Interferons and retinoids have been the traditional and most effective solution for resolving the overgrowth while some topical histamine receptors have also been known to reduce the growth rate of the lesions.  The idea behind treatment is to catch the disease early enough that you can prevent the expansive growth of the macules and reduce the necessity for surgery later on. If the disease has progressed, then surgery to remove the hardened warts is often the only way to regain the maximum use of your hands or feet.

Case studies

There are several notable cases of Epidermodusplasia Verruciforums that have had significant exposure to treatment.  One of the worst cases that has presented itself for diagnosis and treatment, is that of a 26 year old father in Bangladesh named Abul Bandajar.    According to Mr Bandajar, the tree man disease first appeared 10 years ago in 2006.   This debilitating skin disease literally stopped Mr Bandajar from living a productive and healthy life.  A hard-working man, Mr Bandajar was forced to stop working and unable to care for his children due to the 11 pounds of root-like growths that are present on his hands.    When self-removal became too painful for Mr Bandajar, he turned to the experts for help.    Fortunately for him, a team of doctors has agreed to perform the surgery free of charge, and soon Mr Bandajar will have his life back!

Keyword:  Tree Man
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Journalistic, Medical
Size: 400+ 

Facebook Photos (Category Descriptions)


From the majestic peaks and sheer cliffs of the mountaintop to the breathtaking view of tree-sheltered valley, the tectonic forces of nature have always been a source of awe and wonder.    Mountains often represent the opportunity for a peaceful retreat, isolation from the busy nature of life, and a place to regroup your thoughts and expand your mind.    If you enjoy the recreation of hiking, commune with nature, and stake out a place of solitude for personal reflection, then a mountain-based image will best reflect your inner being.  Mountains also give you a wider perspective, both physically and metaphorically.   When you rise up the mountain you can gaze down at all that surrounds you and see everything in a brand new light!


Have you ever watched a rushing river barreling down a mountainside, or flowing ever-so-gently through a thickly wooded forest.   The ebb and flow of a river can bring tranquility, peace, and harmony to your soul.     Rivers are tougher than you may initially realize.   Individually, drops of water cannot change the course of the river, but collectively and in motion, rivers can carve out their own individual path.    Much like the spirit of cooperation, the drops of a river become better together.  Choosing the image of a river gives the impression that you have a strong, cooperative, and flexible spirit. 


The vast empire of stars is a collectively infinite resource ripe for exploration and knowledge.    Scientists have limited knowledge of the vastness of space, but each new discovery brings further detail, and impassions the explorer to take the next step in the journey.   Space is boundless and immeasurable.   Hundreds of billions of stars exist in the Milky Way galaxy alone, and we have not yet even begun to look outside of our small universe.   If you are an explorer, an adventurer, or enjoy the scientific discovery or even the science fiction of space, represent yourself with an image or enhanced image of space.

Sun and Sky

Happiness is the clear reflection in a limitless blue sky and the warmth of the sun on your skin.   Beauty is found in all elements of nature, most of which are nurtured and grown by the sun.    As human beings we have often become indoor oriented and quickly forget about the healing powers and calming nature of simply being outside where the sun can nourish you.  In many cultures, it is thought to be a good practice to spend significant time outside enjoying all the warmth and properties the sun can offer.  If you are a person who values nature, the hope of a clear sky and the value of our life-giving sun, then show the world with an image of sun or sky that you are not only hopeful, but committed to growth and success.


Waterfalls are often an overlooked element of nature, but they hold the highest level of power in determining a river’s course.   As rivers flow, they gently and carefully carve out their path; however, a waterfall is much more majestic and forceful in nature.  The water drop comes to the edge of a cliff and then tumbles over in tandem with other drops.  When they land, powerfully, each drop reforms a bond with its common elements and the river continues in flow again.   Waterfalls often represent that life does not always follow the common course.   A symbol for dreamers and unharnessed motion, the waterfall is a perfect choice for life explorers and those who would otherwise enjoy experimentation and change.

Seasons Cover Photos


Spring is the season of new life.   As the frozen tundra of winter begins to melt away, new growth can be seen clawing its way above the icy cover of snow.  Things that were once lifeless begin to stir, and the presence of hope is felt everywhere.    If you have ever walked outside on a brand new spring day, you can smell the freshness in the air, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, and look around you at the budding nature of your landscape.   If you are a person who respects new birth, growth, and starting over, then images of spring will best suit your disposition


Summer is the bold and beautiful season of the sun.  As the hottest of all seasons, summer boasts long days and short nights for maximum exposure to the sun.  But summer doesn’t just mean heat.   It also  means bikinis, beaches, camping, and lakes for swimming and fishing.   Summer encourages family vacations with kids out of school, and epic adventures with land-marking road trips and opportunities for creating a lifetime of lasting memories.    Beginning in late June, summer hosts three months of seasonal transformation where gardens grow to their full potential, and trees bear fruit.  If you are an outdoor person, or enjoy a wide variety of vacation activities, then images of summer are a perfect match for your character.


Autumn is the season that brings the long nights of summer to a close.   Rich with gorgeous bright yellow, bronze and purple colors and gracefully falling leaves, the autumn season, or fall is a perfect transition from the intense heat of the summer sun.   The crisp cool air of autumn mornings is rich with dew and mist, while nature’s bounty is plentiful with nuts and fruits galore.   Autumn lovers are unique enthusiasts of nature and often have peaceful personalities.  If you are an aficionado of autumn, and appreciate the great beauty of the season, then these photographs might be perfect for you.


Winter is a frozen wonderland of opportunity.   Offering just as many activities as the summer months, a winter recreation schedule can include skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and more.   In addition to the wonderful opportunities for outdoor activity, winter is an excellent time to put on your stocking caps, warm blanket and hot chocolate, and curl up with a good book.  Those who adore winter will tell you that it takes a special kind of person to appreciate the value of a frozen tundra.  If you are a lover of all things snow, then take a look at these winter images and you might find the perfect match for your mild manner.

Sport Cover Photos


Batter up for America’s first and foremost competitive game – Baseball!   Baseball is a game for coordinated endurance athletes.   Not only do you have to be able to hit a tiny ball with precision, but you also have to be able execute a perfect pitch or throw, run tirelessly, and catch accurately.   The old American past time is deeply rooted in traditional bat-and-ball games developed in mid-18th century England.   Today, Baseball is enjoyed around the world by professionals, amateurs, and spectators alike.   If you are an enthusiast for Baseball, you are looking in the right place for an image to represent your interests.


Basketball is an art and a passion.  Unlike other team sports, its free-form structure allows the individual to excel as much as the team.  As a basketball enthusiast you know that the game is an excellent way to not only entertain, but also to maintain your health.   Playing basketball can improve coordination, build muscle and endurance, and help to improve your heart health by burning calories.  Not only does it keep you physically fit, but mentally as well.   Playing basketball will help you develop self-discipline and focus.   If you are in love with the sport of basketball, then these images might best reflect your enthusiasm for the game.


Biking or more commonly referred to as cycling is an activity that encourages individual achievement and accomplishment.  While you may often compete against other people, or participate in organized activities, bicycling is generally a sport that you can succeed at by yourself.   In addition to being a mighty instrument of athletic activity, the bicycle is also many people’s preferred mode of transportation.   It is environmentally friendly and requires no source of fuel to propel it into motion.  Whether you are conquering a crosswind, or striving upward on a steep mountaintop, these images are designed to show your appreciation and love for cycling.


Image result for fitnessGet healthy and have fun doing it.   If you are passionate about your health, and enjoy a good aerobic workout, a lengthy run, or just prefer to hit the gym and lift some weights, you might be a fitness enthusiast.   As you probably know, getting fit involves more than exercise, it also involves controlling your diet.  Embracing a healthy lifestyle means taking care of your body physically, mentally, and emotionally.    So to get fit you should consider balancing your workout, with diet, and positive mental exercises that will help you to become a stronger and better you.   The photos in this section contain images of fitness lifestyle, and are perfect for the zealous devotee to health and wellness.


American Style football is a traditional game that involves the passing and running of a ball by a team into the opposing team’s end zone.  Getting out on the old iron grid for a new season each year is a tradition that has been upheld by American teams since the inception of the game.   Two teams, with skilled players face off on the field – for death or glory!  Whether you are have an active career in football, are a die-hard fan, or are simply tossing around the old pigskin and reliving the days of glory, this image bank has a perfect selection of photographs to show off your devotion to the game.


Image result for runningWhen you run, it is easy to lose yourself in the rhythm of your feet hitting the pavement.  Your heartbeat rises in tandem with your breath and the only thing between you and the open road is the cool crisp morning air.   To run is to be free, to take control of your life and to walk into the face of liberty.  Your body rushes against the wind as your mind is refreshed and made new.    Running is an art that few can master.  It is a competition against only ones self to continuously push beyond the limits of the flesh into the possibilities and dreams of tomorrow.   If you know what it feels like to run, and to be free, these images are a grand reflection of your heart. 


The precision game of golf requires accurate aim and focused concentration.  You must drive a tiny object hundreds of yards forward with the attempt to hit a precise spot on the field.    In order to secure a win at the game of golf, not only must you aim for the target, but you must also hit the target in as few strokes as possible.   But you know that golfing is not simply a matter of ready-aim-fire.   Mastering the widely adored sport of golf requires endurance, intense thought, and patience.    If you are a golf enthusiast, the image bank for golfers is an ideal choice to display your personality.


Soccer is a global sport that makes you a part of the entire world!   The glorious pastime turns young impressionable watchers into life-long lovers of the game.  Maybe you had dreams of being a professional soccer player as a child, or you are looking to relive a time of great joy in your life.   Whatever the case, game of soccer is an epic and fulfilling sport that addresses the need for endurance, precision, and strength.  If you are a long-time fan, a former or current player of soccer, then this image bank is a perfect choice to show off your commitment to the game.


Skiing  One of the few sports you can actively participate in during winter, skiing requires a lot of balance and endurance.    Skiing quite literally takes you and your loved ones to new heights.   Unlike other sports, skiing is a test of individual skill and ability.  Imagine flying down a slope, at tremendous speeds with the wind whipping over your body and your skis carving a path to the lower ground. Whether you are a competitive or professional skier, or you simply enjoy the recreation of the occasional run, this image bank will suit your enthusiasm and devotion to the love of the slopes.


Surfing   Let’s hurry up and get to the beach before the waves die down!  Surfing requires expert balance, strong swimming, and the ability to take the full force of a crashing wave without succumbing to the torrents of the ocean.  Surfing requires a high level of core strength with tensile muscular form and the ability to stay on a board despite the intense and volatile ebb and flow of the water’s surface.   Surfing is an incredibly fun sport and for those who are impassioned about it, this image bank is an ideal source to show off your devotion to the ocean and the waves.

Other Sports

Attention all sports enthusiasts and athletes!   If you are a lover of sports, the beauty of using your physical body to accomplish a feat of strength, endurance, or balance, then you understand the time, commitment, and dedication required to bring your “A” game into any situation.  Whether you are a life-long devoted fan with a commitment to sports as a pasttime, or a participant mind and body in the glory and strength of the game, this image bank should suit your needs and help you display the kind of personality you want to reflect to the world.

Keyword:  Header Based
Tone:  Professional
Descriptive: Storytelling
Size: 2000+ (100+ each)